Tuesday, December 15, 2015


These charities make the most of a $25 donation.

Here’s the dilemma: You have only $25 to give to charity. How do you do the most good with it? One nonprofit tells you which charities stretch your dollars as far as they can go. 

Charity evaluator GiveWell determines the cost-effectiveness of charities and recommends only a handful each year based on transparency, evidence of success and if they serve the global poor. It also considers whether a charity needs additional funding.
All of these factors work together to create a tool that recommends “where you can have the most impact with your donation,” says GiveWell outreach associate Catherine Hollander.

GiveWell doesn’t recommend charities that do work in the U.S. because money does more overseas, says Hollander. Problems in developing countries can often be solved with money, while issues in the U.S. are more complicated and expensive.
However, GiveWell doesn’t discourage giving to charities that aren’t on its list, but recommends due diligence and research before donating. “Be proactive in giving and not reactive,” Hollander says. 
Click ahead for the four charities that GiveWell believes your money could deliver the most impact, plus four standout charities that didn’t make the cut.